Inputs concerning the call “oceans and human rights” by the special rapporteur on the human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment


  • Claúdia Loureiro UFU
  • Valéria Emília de Aquino Global Crossings Project
  • Vinícius Villani Abrantes UFMG
  • Thiago Giovani Romero UFU



Human rights approach has been integrated in several aspects regarding measures, policies and laws for the protection of the environment and, therefore, the protection, conservation and restoration of the oceans. Although marine life protection is not necessarily mentioned in some constitutions, it is worth noting that when countries recognize the protection of a safe and healthy environment (or ecologically balanced, as it is stated in the Brazilian constitution) as a human right, the marine life is also included, since it is vital to human life.

Biografia do Autor

Claúdia Loureiro, UFU

Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Chair at the Federal University of Uberlândia. Permanent Professor of the Federal University of Uberlândia Postgraduate Law Program. Professor of BioLaw and Environmental Law at Federal University of Uberlândia.  PhD and Master's degree from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Post-Doctoral Research Internship in Law completed at Law School of the University of Coimbra (2006); Law School of the University of Sao Paulo (2019) and NOVA School of Law - Lisbon (2022). Coordinator of the Biolaw, Bioethics and Human Rights Research Group. Coordinator of the Inter-American and European Observatory of the SDGs. Coordinator of the Humanitas Clinic. Lattes CV: Orcid:

Valéria Emília de Aquino, Global Crossings Project

Law professor, lawyer and Human Rights consultant. PhD in Human Rights at Federal University of Goiás. Associate researcher at Global Crossings Project (Federal University of Uberlândia) and at ‘Direito Internacional sem Fronteiras’. Email: ORCID:

Vinícius Villani Abrantes, UFMG

PhD candidate and Master in Linguistic Studies at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Specialist in Public Law and International Law, at the Centro Universitário União das Américas. Associate Researcher at Direito Internacional sem Fronteiras (DIsF). Email: ORCID:

Thiago Giovani Romero , UFU

Postdoctoral Fellow in Law at the Federal University of Uberlândia (Brazil). PhD in International and Comparative Law at University of São Paulo Law School (Brazil). Master's in Law at UNESP (Brazil). Professor of International Law (IBMEC, Damásio, FUNEPE and DIsF). Researcher at Jean Monnet Chair of the Federal University of Uberlândia (Brazil).




Como Citar

Loureiro, C., de Aquino, V. E., Abrantes, V. V., & Romero , T. G. (2025). Inputs concerning the call “oceans and human rights” by the special rapporteur on the human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment . Global Crossings, 1(2), 158–165.




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